Monday, May 01, 2006 Expert Help
Hello Dear Friends,

Welcome to my blog's new home, sorry I've been away for a long time... been a busy bee.

I've been doing some Expert Tech on consumer Electronics lately and I found a new website that I just had to share with you all.

This new place is a support & Repair source for consumer electronics. Unlike forums, sorts the postings by products, every product has a page with tech details a pic, a manual, drivers and troubleshooting area where you can post questions and get answers from real EXPERTS for free.

It's the best unofficial support center on the web, makes the process of finding and creating solutions so easy. All the data you are looking for in one page, you can find answer without having to go through piles of rubbish!
I got an expert account there and the thing I like best is that I always know the exact model in question so there are no misunderstanding and queries for details.

Well I hope you'll like it too! I think the Idea of a private central support page for all products is huge!
I'm really tired of paying exaggerated prices for simple repairs! So browse along and help build this great place.

Till Next Week,

hello Bob Ha!
Hi Bob Ha!!
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